

Sharing our experience and expertise, specialists ready to deliver value and real know-how to complex problems

With a team of specialists at your disposal, we have the skills and experience to provide solutions to complex problems. Our specialists deliver outcomes relating to auditing, process design, risk mitigation and the management of catastrophic losses

We help clients develop solutions to take their businesses forward, avoid risk and improve performance.

Click on any of the headings below to expand the information.

Accumulation of high numbers of vehicles poses risks to both manufacturers and insurers. Understanding these risks, mitigating them where possible and planning for an event if the worst should happen is at the heart of our service

There are a range of hazards which can impact on vehicle logistics. These hazards vary from natural events such as flooding, storms or hail to human activity such as contamination.  With access to insurer risk databases coupled with our specialists’ expertise and understanding, our service is based on helping logistics providers, manufacturers and their insurers understand these risks and to undertake the appropriate activity.

Often, mitigation activity is possible: changing operational processes can reduce the magnitude of events if they occur.

Furthermore, insurers’ premiums can be based on inaccurate or incorrect information: data can only take you so far. By auditing individual locations, we can marry data to the exact local circumstances to create a true understanding. Better understanding of hazards and the likely outcomes often leads to reduced insurance premiums and better event planning (which can in turn reduce the costs associated with a catastrophic loss event).

Contact us to find out more about how we can support you.

Effective risk management includes having a plan, ready for use, should the worst happen. Our Catastrophe Planning services are focused on helping manufacturers, or their insurers, plan for a large scale, multiple vehicle incident.

Potential scenarios include:

  • Hail
  • Contamination (e.g. industrial fallout, insect)
  • Storms (on land or sea)
  • Flooding

Working with you and partners in the logistics chain, such as compound operators, we will create robust contingency plans, ready to be implemented in the event of a catastrophic loss. These contingency plans are designed to:

  • Establish vehicle condition quickly
  • Ensure effective communication to all affected stakeholders
  • Identify the most appropriate repair methodology to repair vehicles quickly and efficiently
  • Identify blockages with the potential to delay or incur additional cost

Contact us for more information about how we can support you.

If a catastrophe happens, damaged vehicles need assessing, repairing and returning to the distribution chain. The challenges facing manufacturers, or their insurers, are awesome. Our experienced catastrophe managers are ready to help.

As every incident is different, we have a menu of services to select from:

A. First response: Survey
A quick approximate survey of the vehicles to swiftly ascertain damage severity, establish an initial loss estimate and identify appropriate repair options. The creation of an individual estimate per vehicle is an additional service option.

B. Incident management: Arranging repairs
The identification of appropriate repairers and processes. The running of a tender process, supplier selection and support with contracting.

C. Incident management: Repair process management
The management and physical oversight of the repair process; the resolution of problems (such as replacement parts supply) and communication to stakeholders

D. Incident management: Post repair quality checking
The checking of the standard of repairs to ensure all vehicles released into the distribution chain as ‘as new’.

All of these services are designed to enable the claim costs to be controlled and the vehicles repaired as quickly as possible.

The benefits of using Sevatas:

  • Practical incident management and expertise
  • Swifter repair processing; minimising delays for the end customer
  • Cost management
  • Quality assurance and control

Contact us for more information on how we can support you.

Quality is everything in the logistics chain. High quality vehicle handling reduces damage, reduces costs and helps deliver an undamaged vehicle to the customer.

Manufacturers, insurers and logistics service providers all have a need to challenge whether best practice is being implemented and where improvements could be delivered.

Our experienced Logistics Quality team can audit all elements of the logistics chain to ensure adherence to standards and that correct processes are being followed. The independent nature of our assessors ensure autonomy and transparency when reporting against a set of best practices developed over many years of experience across a wide range of brands.

Identification of operational non-conformances leads to training, process review, improved quality and ultimately lower damage levels and costs.

Audits can cover the following areas:

  • Compounds – using either the manufacturer or the compound owner’s standards, audits can highlight compliance issues and track consistency variations.
  • Vessels – ensuring that vehicles are loaded in compliance with the vessel operator and manufacturers standards, or checking to see that vessels are equipped to minimise damages during loading and unloading procedures.
  • Road transporters – checking for example the quality of the operating procedures, equipment, loading/unloading operations and driver's clothing
  • Rail - ensuring equipment, as well as loading, securing and unloading operations are compliant with handling standards.
  • Route – following a vehicle from plant to final delivery provides a unique perspective on where and why things can go wrong.
  • Repairer – whether PDI or dealer repair centres our auditors can check that the environment and procedures are in compliance with manufacturer standards.

The benefits of using Sevatas

  • Damage and cost reduction through identification of issues and process improvement
  • Improved quality processes
  • Informed, experienced auditors with a deep understanding of your requirements

Contact us for more information on how we can support you.

Damage and cost can be reduced through the review of claims management processes. Weaknesses can be identified and removed through audit as well as the identification and implementation of improvements.

Problems we are engaged to help resolve are varied and global in reach. They include high damage rates and cost retention, lack of visible or reliable claims statistics, poorly functioning claims processes and administrative inefficiency as well as poor dealer service.

Our consultancy services are focused around process review and practical damage and cost reduction. Our most recent projects have included;

  • Review of existing claims management processes and design of new process, carrier contracting and insurance arrangements for a manufacturer in Russia;
    • Establishing a new dealer facing claims process
    • Establishing new data capture processes and risk management reporting
    • Introduction of widespread stakeholder Key Performance Indicators
    • Revision of manufacturer / logistics service provider contracting
  • Review of existing claims arrangements in selected European markets, identification of process weaknesses, cost leakages and recommendations for improvement
  • Process design, provider selection and implementation of new claims administration process for distributor, and its dealers, in China

Our consultancy services are based on our deep understanding of claims processes, finished vehicle logistics and service delivery. We are uniquely placed to understand the crossovers between claims processes, logistics, insurance and risk management.

As a measure of the value of our services, we have embedded our people directly into our clients’ operations where requested.

The benefits of using Sevatas

  • Enhanced understanding and issue identification
  • Process improvements identified, operational inefficiencies removed
  • Cost and damage reduction opportunities identified
  • Methodology for delivering improvements established

Contact us for more information about how we can support you.