
Consultancy & Process Auditing

Damage and cost can be reduced through the review of claims management processes. Weaknesses can be identified and removed through audit as well as the identification and implementation of improvements.

Problems we are engaged to help resolve are varied and global in reach. They include high damage rates and cost retention, lack of visible or reliable claims statistics, poorly functioning claims processes and administrative inefficiency as well as poor dealer service.

Our consultancy services are focused around process review and practical damage and cost reduction. Our most recent projects have included;

  • Review of existing claims management processes and design of new process, carrier contracting and insurance arrangements for a manufacturer in Russia;
    • Establishing a new dealer facing claims process
    • Establishing new data capture processes and risk management reporting
    • Introduction of widespread stakeholder Key Performance Indicators
    • Revision of manufacturer / logistics service provider contracting
  • Review of existing claims arrangements in selected European markets, identification of process weaknesses, cost leakages and recommendations for improvement
  • Process design, provider selection and implementation of new claims administration process for distributor, and its dealers, in China

Our consultancy services are based on our deep understanding of claims processes, finished vehicle logistics and service delivery. We are uniquely placed to understand the crossovers between claims processes, logistics, insurance and risk management.

As a measure of the value of our services, we have embedded our people directly into our clients’ operations where requested.

The benefits of using Sevatas

  • Enhanced understanding and issue identification
  • Process improvements identified, operational inefficiencies removed
  • Cost and damage reduction opportunities identified
  • Methodology for delivering improvements established

Contact us for more information about how we can support you.