Inspection of vehicles to identify damages at handover, establish liability and defend claims
Handover inspections identify if, where and when damage occurs.
Sevatas provides handover inspection related services typically to logistics service providers such as vessel operators, port operators, rail and road transporters. Our services also support manufacturers, distributors and insurers identify where damages are occurring.
Large scale movements of vehicles provide an environment where damage can occur. Independent inspections provide companies with protection from potential accusations of liability relating to incurred damage.
All inspections are delivered to high Sevatas quality standards, which we believe is the best in the sector, which also provides valuable data for future damage reduction activity.
If clients require tailored inspections to meet individual or OEM standards, we can do this. We have robust training processes and a comprehensive self-audit regime to ensure our inspections are as consistent and as accurate as they can be.
Being the ‘eyes’ of the client on the ground, Sevatas inspectors also aim to identify issues and possible causes of damage before they happen.
Data capture
Our in-house data capture units are at the forefront of sector technology and capture a wider range of data to enable better analysis and event reporting. To learn more, click here.
Contact us to find out about how we can support you.